Impulsivity lies at the heart of the human condition, a phenomenon that drives us towards unforeseen adventures but also unforeseen consequences. It’s the spark behind innovation and the catalyst for mishaps. In the split second it takes to act without reflection, lives can be transformed. This episode takes a deep…
Title: The Impulsive Adventure of Terry the Tofu Lover – A Light-hearted Lesson on Impulsivity Part 1: A Humorous Impulsive Tale Once upon a time, in a small town nestled between rolling hills, there lived a man named Terry. Terry was well-known around town for his love of tofu. He loved tofu more than anyone…
Welcome to our short burst podcast on impulsivity, where we look into the science behind impulsive behavior. We explore how impulsivity affects our daily lives, from addiction and relationships to mental health, and discuss the latest research and treatments for this complex phenomenon. Listen to the episode on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Anchor, Amazon…